Friday 12 August 2011

Internet Explorer 8 Desktop Security Guide


The Internet Explorer 8 Security Guide provides instructions and recommendations to help strengthen the security of desktop and laptop computers running Windows® Internet Explorer® 8.One of the biggest challenges with defining default security settings for a Web browser is balancing required functionality with risks that the functionality can introduce. If the default settings in the browser are too restrictive, users may experience limitations and compatibility issues, and simply ignore warnings or alerts. But if the settings are not restrictive enough, users are susceptible to attack from a wide range of exploits. Finding the right balance of functionality and security is critical for both safety and ease of use.Some consumers and business users may have more specific requirements based on business needs, as well as regulatory and legal requirements. For example, users in large organizations may be required to comply with government regulations to protect financial data and customer information stored on their network servers.The security and privacy settings in Internet Explorer 8 have been designed to meet a wide range of requirements, further solidifying security leadership from Microsoft. At the same time, we respect user privacy, the need of organizations to control data use, and the demand to provide recommended options to balance these needs. Internet Explorer 8 offers increased security over previous versions of the browser, as well as new privacy features to help users manage and control personal information.This guide examines some of the features and settings that you can modify to provide a more "locked down" security configuration that some users and organizations may require. This guide does not provide a complete review of all settings in the browser, and the guidance recommendations are not specifically equivalent to those for the Internet Explorer Enhanced Server Configuration (IE ESC) in Windows Server® 2003 and Windows Server® 2008. The settings and features this guide discusses offer additional security guidance to ensure the broadest impact on users and administrators in organizations in which enhanced security is required.
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System requirements

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Microsoft Word or Microsoft Word Viewer (available as a free download) can be used to view Word documents
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Download the white paper to your computer and open it in Microsoft Word to view.

Download IE8


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